Uberlink Corporation reached a major milestone in 2015 by providing social media data services, particularly focusing upon Twitter data. I implemented social media data pipelines into Uberlink’s server base, first with Datasift (2015) and then with GNIP (2015-). In GNIP’s case, access was provided for both the PowerTrack streaming connection and the Historical PowerTrack Tweet retrieval API. Data delivery was integrated via API, ‘big data’ storage and retrieval modalities were developed using MongoDB, and network generation and analysis was implemented via the Python programming language (versions 2 and 3). I developed internal account management software in addition to software redundancy and error alert systems. Finally, I created software to exploit these social media data pipelines for use in Uberlink’s SitReps and the Twitter Analytics Service products and, in 2016-17, for use in VOSON 2.5 via the VOSON+Twitter service.
Focus areas: big data, mongodb, python, real-time data streaming, social network analysis